Often, a client will show up with either their own sports jersey from her favorite team, or bring her fella’s favorite sports jersey to pose in. This is a fantastic idea for something fun, flirty and sporty. It also serves as an excellent first outfit to pose in. I always start a session with the most conservative look. It really helps in getting the client accustomed to posing and my way of doing things. In no time you will be laughing and getting the most amazing images you have ever had taken.I know I harp on this subject a lot, but boudoir does not have to mean pretty lace. Men love seeing you in other things, and incorporating a sports team only multiplies the sexiness for us.
Do not worry about the size of the jersey. Most men’s jerseys are far to big to look great without a few quick and temporary alterations. With a couple of hair bands, we can turn it from a pillow sack to a form fitting outfit that he will go nuts for. For bottoms consider plain cotton boy shorts. Lace and frills really do not work with a sporty look.