Here are a few common questions we receive regarding Boudoir Photography:
What should I bring to my boudoir session?
We always encourage clients to bring a good variety of looks. For instance, if you are doing three outfits, bring something black, something white, and something colorful. This will maximize how much variety you receive in your final product. Also consider things that are sporty or fun as opposed to lace and frills. Mix up the tone a bit for greater contrast!
Who does your Hair and Makeup?
In most cases, Kymm McClean of Who’s the Fairest is the go to person for our hair and makeup service. Kymm has done makeup for me hundreds of times and has always come through. She knows exactly what I need from her and the tone I shoot in. If you like the hair and makeup in our gallery, you will like her work.
Should I starve myself before hand?
Please don’t. I would much rather shoot you happy and confident than tired and hungry. Skipping breakfast before the shoot is a bad idea. You will get a real workout as I suggest poses, you will need the energy!
Do you Photoshop?
Yes, of course. Every woman has problem areas she would like fixed. Photoshop is one tool to achieve this. However, through proper posing and lighting you can get most of it done before the picture is even taken!
How long before I can get an appointment?
We can usually fit you in within a couple of weeks, and your images are back typically within a week. If you have ordered an album it can take a few weeks to be delivered from the book maker.
Can I bring a friend?
Absolutely! But, bring the right friend. Bring the friend that encourages you out of your shell. The one you have the most fun with. Past clients who have brought that friend and had an amazing shoot.
Can I bring props?
Sure, if you have a specific idea that revolves around a certain prop, I am sure we can figure something out. Below, the client brought a six pack of her husband’s favorite beer. We worked it into the set and made a great capture!